


Salvaged from old pickling vats throughout North America, Picklewood is old growth, tight-grain, and clear lumber. Don’t confuse this material with wine barrels, these vats are big, producing lumber as long as 10 feet from the staves and bottoms.

The distinctive horizontal markings on the staves are from the steel hoops around the vats.  Very few holes, except around the rim you might find larger holes, because the vats were assembled using wooden dowels.


  • 4-7” wide (custom to 10” wide), 4-10’ long
  • 1” thick standard, to 3” nominal to order

Grades & Variations

All picklewood has one weathered face and one band-sawn face (see options noted below).

The most popular species are Redwood  (shown here) and Cypress. Doug fir and  Cedar also available.

The lumber is all-heart, and when you look at the non-weathered face, you can see that the coopers selected the best, knot-free material because they needed to be leak-proof.

Get Creative

A deck made of Redwood and Cypress picklewood, smooth planed. The darker is redwood and the lighter is cypress.